Monday, 7 May 2018

Full documentation project

Here is my studio work since August 2017, the work of my second MFA year:

Was ich haette sagen sollen (What I should have said)
Tar, acrylic, oil, pastel, soil and charcoal on canvas
 8’x11.5’, 96 x 138 inches, 244 x 351 cm,

She must find a way to preserve a sense of trust in people who are untrustworthy, safety in a situation that is unsafe, control in a situation that is terrifyingly unpredictable, power in a situation of helplessness

Tar, acrylic, oil, pastel and charcoal on canvas
 8’x11.5’, 96 x 138 inches, 244 x 351 cm,

The painting’s title is ‘Remembering and telling the truth about terrible events are prerequisites both for the restoration of the social order and for the healing of individual victims’.

The text in stencils says: ‘To speak is to invite the stigma that attaches to victims’.
Tar, acrylic, oil, pastel and charcoal on canvas, 
54 by 108 inches, 137 cm x 274 cm, 

Wo Moral auftaucht, haben die Menschen die Zustaendigkeit ueber den Zusammenhang ihrer Handlungen verloren’

Tar, acrylic, oil, pastel and charcoal on canvas
 8’x11.5’, 96 x 138 inches, 244 x 351 cm,

Allgegenwart der Macht(Omnipresence of power)

Tar, acrylic, oil, charcoal and pastel on canvas
54 x 108 inches, 137 x 274 cm

The ordinary response to atrocities is to banish them from consciousness. Certain violations of the social compact are too terrible to utter aloud: this is the meaning of the word unspeakable
Tar, acrylic, oil, pastel and charcoal on canvas 
54 by 108 inches, 137 x 274 cm

We need to understand the past in order to reclaim the present and the future. An understanding of psychological trauma begins with rediscovering history
8’x11.5’, 96 x 138 inches, 244 x 351 cm 
Tar, acrylic, oil, pastel, soil and charcoal on canvas

The conflict between the will to deny horrible events and the will to proclaim them aloud is the central dialectic of psychological trauma
Tar, acrylic, oil, pastel, soil and charcoal on canvas
8’x11.5’, 96 x 138 inches, 244 x 351 cm

Die Machtbeziehungen sind gleichzeitig intentional und nicht subjektiv
Tar, acrylic, oil, charcoal and pastel on canvas
54 x 108 inches, 137 x 274 cm 

Die Frage lautet nicht wie Macht sich manifestiert, sondern wie sie ausgeübt wird
Tar, acrylic, oil, charcoal and pastel on canvas
54 x 108 inches, 137 x 274 cm 

Sometimes the child is silenced by violence or by a direct threat of murder
Tar, acrylic, oil, pastel and charcoal on canvas 
8’x11.5’, 96 x 138 inches, 244 x 351 cm

Then I created three videos:
1. History as Personal Memory 
The Vimeo link to my video in German:
And with English voice-over:
Length: 8:51 min

2. What is Memory
A video to accompany my whole body of work, which is to be played side by side to History as Personal Memory, Length: 8:51 min

3. A la recherche de Michel Foucault is a 7:56 min short film:
by Ira Hoffecker in collaboration with Regine Forster, Farid Abdulbaki and Lara Hoffecker

Please find a detailed information about my work in the project report M506

Let me know if you have any questions 

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